a.m. train, empty suitcase, hunted memories. me.

“forget yourself” he said pushing record. he films unrehearsed (wrong) dream and you recreate it ad- infinitum, “listen to the structure fall… A-part, (in) kitchen, bed, hallway. (pretend) it makes no difference. it is (just) a memory, symbolic of everything that will fade. this is how we pass, like we weren’t even here."  it is now. red-rock landscapes. yet. already. look into the camera for something; the desert, the rocks, the snow, the sky, the silence. I wanted another way to live. one thought, one human being… connection… (is) a word on your tongue, a human being in relation to you, my fingers trying to define/to create the murmur of me.

blow away.



sofiya trukhny
tamrika khvtisiashvili